Building a UI for your application
The UI encompasses all visible aspects of your application, including buttons, labels, lists, dialog boxes, or any other interface component that a user uses to interact with your application.
Because your application may be deployed on multiple devices, and because most devices support orientation changes, you need to pay particular attention when you design the layout of your application. Thankfully, theBlackBerry® Tablet OS SDK provides classes that enable you to design and build effective layouts. In particular, theContainer class provides a simple container-like mechanism for laying out an interface and for defining the alignment, flow, and spacing of UI components.
The API reference provides a comprehensive set of UI components that you can use to build your application. The UI components are described in greater detail in the API reference that is included as part of this SDK. The UI components provide lightweight, customizable implementations of the classic Adobe® Flash® UI components that are designed from the outset to work on a mobile device. Each UI component is easily skinnable enabling you to provide a customizable look and feel for every aspect of your application.
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